Squeebles Spelling Connect - Spelling Lists

Included as standard in our Squeebles Spelling Connect app are over 160 of our own spelling lists, created in line with the UK curriculum. These lists are split into four colour-coded levels, with each level containing a few categories of test. They are available to all children, although you can block levels you think are too easy / difficult for your child if you want.

Our Squeebles Phonics word lists follow the structure of the phonics system laid out in the UK government's original 'Letters and Sounds' programme. Additionally, you'll also find some handy lists covering high-frequency words, as well as key words that are taught as part of the UK national curriculum.

Level 1 Spelling Lists (Learning age 5-7)

1-24: Squeebles Phonics, Level 1

The bulk of level 1 introduces basic phonemes and graphemes in the order widely accepted as being most helpful for phonics-based learning: 
s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss, j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu. View lists >

25-31: Tricky Words for New Readers

We're hugely grateful to Head Teacher, Ian Wilson of St Margaret's Lee Primary, who shared some spelling lists with us that fall outside of our Squeebles Phonics range. These lists contain tricky words that may crop up regularly in beginner reading material. View lists >

32-35: Year 1 Exception Words

These four spelling lists cover some common exception words (words that are spelled without using the "normal" spelling rules) that children in the UK will be introduced to, usually during year 1 (age 6). View lists >

Level 2 Spelling Lists (Learning age 6-8)

36-43: High Frequency Words

These spelling lists contain over a hundred high frequency words, suitable for newly confident readers. View lists >

44-66: Squeebles Phonics, Level 2

Level 2 introduces commonly used phonemes and graphemes: ch, sh, th (as in 'them') ng, th (as in thin), ai, ee, oa, oo (as in 'moon'), oo (as in 'look'), ar, or, ur, ow, oi, er, igh, ear, air, ure. These are followed by some short consolidation tests. View lists >

67-72: Year 2 Exception Words

These spelling lists cover some common year 2 exception words (words that are spelled without using the "normal" spelling rules) that children in the UK will be introduced to, usually during year 2 (age 7). View lists >

Level 3 Spelling Lists (Learning age 8-9)

73-77: National Curriculum Words

These spelling lists contain over 100 statutory words that children must be taught as part of the UK National Curriculum. Aimed at children in years 3 and 4 (age 8-9). View lists >

78-86: Squeebles Phonics, Level 3

Level 3 focuses on CVCC words, aiding grapheme recognition and reading adjacent consonants. What's a CVCC word? A 'C' is a 'consonant phoneme' and a 'V' is a 'vowel phoneme'. For example, the word 'boost' can be read phonetically as 'b-oo-s-t' (which you can see is represented by C-V-C-C). View lists >


Level 4 Spelling Lists (Learning age 9+)

87-91: National Curriculum Words

A further, slightly trickier set of over 100 statutory words that children must be taught as part of the UK National Curriculum. Aimed at children in years 5 and 6 (age 10-11). View lists >

92-155: Squeebles Phonics, Level 4

Level 4 is a meaty beast, containing over 60 spelling lists. This section focuses on: 
Spelling patterns: ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, ue, aw, ew, oe, au, ey, wh, ph. 
Split digraphs: a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e.   
Alternative pronunciations of: a, e, i, o, u, ow, ie, ea, ou, y, ch, c, g, ey.
Alternative spellings for the sounds: ch, j, s. 
Use of 'silent' letters: b, g, k, w, t, e. 
Alternative spellings for the sounds: z, u, ear, ar, air, or, ur, ai, ee, igh, oa, (y)oo, oo, sh, zh.
View lists >

156-166: Tricky Words & Suffixes

For gaining extra confidence toward the end of primary school, these lists contain words that have been highlighted as being commonly misspelt once children move into Key Stage 3.

Also included here are a series of lists dedicated to suffixes (word endings). The following suffixes are covered: s, es, ies, ied, ier, est,ily, ment, ed, ing, er, ful, ness, en, ly. View lists >